The Core Curriculum

Adventist curriculum development is defined by the Adventist worldview and based on our underlying philosophy. This Core process includes four overlapping stages: purpose, plan, practice, and product.


A worldview serves as a conceptual tool or framework for perceiving and interpreting reality, which, in turn, informs the philosophy, mission/vision, and goals of an organization. The Adventist worldview accepts the Bible as the standard by which everything else is measured. Four key concepts (with accompanying essential questions) emerge from a biblical worldview that can be used as a lens for the Adventist curriculum development process.

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Assessment is an integral part of the learning and teaching process which should be clearly aligned with the stated curriculum standards and the learning experiences.  It should provide ongoing descriptive feedback that is clear, specific, meaningful, and timely.  Reflective teachers use a variety of appropriate assessment practices to measure learner achievement and to inform instruction.
