Child Abuse Prevention Information and Resources

Whenever and wherever possible, measures must be taken to reduce the impact and instance of child abuse. One such measure is making sure that any abusive event is properly reported.

Government agencies have enacted laws and policies that define roles and responsibilities in protecting vulnerable children from abuse and neglect.

Issues addressed in statute include mandatory reporting, screening reports, proper maintenance and disclosure of records, domestic violence, and other issues.

Laws on Child Abuse and Neglect

Abuse & Neglect Reporting Numbers

Canadian Child Welfare Assistance

Information and Resources

ALC Course: Sexual Abuse – Reclaiming Hope

The purpose of the 6-module Adventist Learning Community course is to explore multiple aspects of sexual abuse including awareness, prevention, recognition, protection, investigation, advocacy, responsibilities, organizational supports, healing, and structural approaches to stem the tide of unfortunate and criminal activities within the Seventh-day Adventist faith community. Unfortunately, abuse, harassment, and misconduct happen. Much of this takes place with our most vulnerable faith community members, our children, and young adults. As a church organization, we are taking a stand to stop sexual abuse. There are many things that can be done to limit or stop these types of incidents in your faith community. But the first step is talking about it.


The Seventh-day Adventist Church recognizes that abuse affects children, women, and men within the school, church and community. In response, the North American Division launched the enditnow campaign to motivate action to help break the cycle of abuse. You can launch this campaign on enditnow Emphasis Day, which is the last Sabbath in August, or on any other Sabbath that works for your church. Visit the website for more information and resources.

Brochure [PDF]


This blog site is dedicated to connecting teen girls to God and tackling tough issues that challenge them every day.

Erica Jones, gorgeous2god founder and NAD Assistant Director for Women’s Ministries, is available to speak to high school girls on the real challenges they face including anxiety, dating, abuse, self-harm, peer pressure, identity, and more from a Christian perspective. You can contact Erica via email.

Love Is Respect

Loveisrespect is a resource to empower youth to prevent and end dating abuse. It is a project of the National Domestic Violence Hotline.



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