Offered By

  • The Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary at Andrews University
  • Ellen G. White Estate, Inc.
  • General Conference Dept. of Education
  • Biblical Research Institute
  • Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research

Accredited By

Program Description

  • The Accrediting Association of the Seventh-day Adventist Schools, Colleges, and Universities, Inc.

The Ellen G. White and Adventist Studies Post-Graduate Certificate is an academic program requiring three years of study on an annual intensive basis beyond the Masters level, or at least concurrent with a Masters program. The purpose of the certificate is to prepare active teachers at Seventh-day Adventist colleges and universities to competently provide education in the areas of Ellen G. White studies and Adventist history, and to support the educational competence of Ellen G. White Estate Research Center Directors. The certificate requires 18 specific credits of 600-level course work. The director of the certificate program is Merlin D. Burt.

Ellen G. White and Adventist Studies Post-Graduate Certification is a global certificate program from Ellen G. White Research Center Directors designed to equip teachers of Adventist studies and Ellen G. White studies.

Details and Answers to Questions About the Program

Who is eligible?

The respective instructional administration and Seventh-day Adventist world division education department recommends designated teachers of Ellen G. White
and/or Adventist history; directors of an Ellen G. White Estate Research Center; or division/Union archive directors who do not have a doctoral emphasis, doctoral cognate, or Masters in Adventist Studies. Respective individuals, except from Inter and South America, need a competency in the English language.

Who is teaching?

The faculty for the certificate program are regular and adjunct faculty members of the Church History Department of the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary at Andrews University. Selected guest lecturers may be invited for specific lectures based on their area of specialization.

What are the program learning outcomes?

Upon successful completion of the certificate, students will:

  • Conduct effective research that demonstrates competence in Ellen G. White studies and in Adventist theology and history.
  • Articulate a biblical and theologically sound understanding of the prophetic gift as manifested through Ellen G. White.
  • Practice hermeneutics in the interpretation of the writings of Ellen G. White that are both biblically grounded and according to her intent.
  • Demonstrate understanding of the content, central issues, and processes relating to Ellen G. White and Adventist history.
  • Have increased competence in the area of archival and Adventist heritage leadership (especially for Research Center directors and archivists).

Where and when will it take place?

The three-year program includes four 30-student cohorts that will take two 3-credit-hour classes during a three-week intensive period each credit-hour requirement. The classes will be held at four respective sites:

  1. Asia, 2020–2022 for students from the Northern Asia-Pacific (NSD), South Pacific (SPD), and Southern Asia-Pacific Divisions (SSD), and the Chinese Union Mission.
  2. Inter and South America,
    2021–2023 for students from the Inter-American (IAD), and
    South American (SAD) Divisions.
  3. Africa, 2022–2024 for students from the East Central Africa (ECD), Southern Africa-Indian Ocean (SID), Southern Asia (SUD), and West Central Africa (WAD) Divisions.
  4. Europe and North America,
    2023–2025 for students from the Euro-Asia (ESD), Inter-European (EUD), North American (NAD), and Trans-European Divisions (TED), as well as the Middle East and North Africa Union Mission and English-speaking Caribbean schools.

What does it cost?

Tuition is covered by the General Conference for students accepted to the program. Student application and admission fees, travel,  accommodations and meals for the annual intensives are to be  covered by the respective division, union, and/or institution.

How to Apply

Students must be recommended by their institution with divistion ap-proval. Recommended students will submit an Andrews University ap-plication online at Final acceptance will be from the Certificate Program Committee.


Department of Church History,
Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary  |  (269) 471-3541



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